Friday, July 16, 2010

Racism At Tea Parties?

Here is the video from Think Progress, like I said the people in this video were people being asked to leave, or not even at a Tea Party.

Stupid thing to do when it can be proven false so easily.

82 Year Old Man Charged with Attempted Murder

Video of the charges and story of what happened:

NAACP Are Morons Too!


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Great Question!

I hope we get an answer!

Idea: Private Sector take over illegal alien mess.

The Cost for Illegal Aliens

This subject really makes me mad. I cannot believe how much money we spend on illegal aliens. I could ship out 11 million illegals for less than $113 Billion. Could you?

Obamas Birth Certificate

Why are all of the presidents records sealed?

I was Rick Rolled here:

A Nation of Immigrants??

We are not a nation of immigrants.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

How I feel about the BP Oil Spill...

Yes, I know I am a minority in this. Most people are boycotting BP and blaming them for this mess. Not me.

Blood, Birth, or Faith

Obama quote: "Being an American is not a matter of blood or birth, it's a matter of faith." - Really? That isn't how I understand it.

Obamas view on Arizona law:

Did he just say the immigration laws can't be enforced?

Chain Letter

Can you believe I got a chain letter in the mail? I hadn't gotten one in years through the mail. Turns out there is a company selling names and addresses for this purpose. Lovely, huh!

Rep. Pete Stark

People have really got to stop electing people like this into office.

Russian Spies

I'm still confused about what is going on with the Russian spies.

Janet Napolitano on the Border

Peggy West

And here are some answers to comments on had on youtube:

Condoms for Kids?

What is going on in the public schools??

Sen. Jon Kyl

It's the federal government should be securing the border.

Alvin Greene

My thoughts on Alvin Greene...

Aid to Hamas

Here is a video I did on Obama sending $400 million dollars in aid to Hamas.

(When you watch the video, you will notice the audio is "off", but I decided to post it anyway because of the points I make.)

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Nashville Flooded

This is a must see video.
The national media and President Obama have basically ignored this disaster.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Unemployment Denied

I stand with Sen. Bunning on this issue. I feel we cannot keep paying for people to get extensions on unemployment and other programs, such as COBRA. I believe I am in the minority on this, but I can't see who it's helping in the long run. Americans really need to get out and go to work. There are jobs available, maybe not the job they want, but there are jobs.

If we continue to extend benefits without having the money to do so, our country goes deeper into debt. The only way people are going to look for jobs they don't "want" is to cut off their benefits when they expire. It isn't cruel to do so. These people are all told how long their benefits last. If they choose to wait until the last day to look for a job, that's their call.

Here is a video to his objections.
(There are many more videos on youtube and other sources, I simply picked one after watching hours of this.)

In todays news we have reports of Sen. Bunning sayings things like "tough shit" and giving a reporter "the finger". I have watched a couple videos where the media is chasing this man around, even trying to get into a senator elevator when he needs to be on the floor. One reporter even blocks the door of the elevator from closing. Really? When did it become alright for the media to do things like this? People are saying Sen. Bunning is the "wacko" - I am the opposite, the media has lost it. They spin things out of control. Think about it, if you were standing your ground on any issue and there were people following you around when you needed to be at work, and those people tried to stop you from getting to where you needed to be, would you be a little upset? I'm telling you now, I would be angry.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Alexander - Health Care Debate

Well done...

The Election is Over John...

This is simply outrageous. John McCain had the floor and spoke about health care concerns from people of Arizona, whom he represents as a Senator, as well as other Americans around the country. He was not campaigning. What was President Obama thinking when he said, "The election is over."? Did he think that statement would make him look good?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Abuse Due to Job Loss

~ If your husband or boyfriend lost their job recently you may have to move to a shelter, be quick unless you want a broken nose or a black eye.

Harry Reid is a moron. Where do people come up with this stuff?

Pledge of Alligence

You have to see it to believe it:

When did it become ok to laugh at someone suggesting to say the Pledge of Alligence. This made my stomach turn when I watched it. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D – CA) even laughs about it. He is sitting on the stage in a dark suit.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let's Move

Michelle Obama has started a campaign called, "Let's Move". It's basically a program where the government comes in and tells everyone how to eat and spend tax payer money to do it. Yes, it makes me mad. I don't understand why this is a good use of tax dollars.

Do parents really need to be told that their children shouldn't eat alot of fast food by the government?

Do parents need to be told to make sure their children get exercise by the government?

Do parents need to be told how to shop by the government?

Do we really need to spend $10 billion over the next decade to update the Childhood Nutrition Act?

Do we need $400 million a year for a “Healthy Food Financing Initiative” which will bring grocery stores to low-income neighborhoods and help places like convenience stores carry healthier food options?

Michelle Obama said in an interview, “This isn’t like a disease where we’re still waiting for a cure to be discovered – we know the cure for this.” (Speaking about obesity.)
*If we know what the cure is, then why is this even an issue? Why spend more money the U.S. doesn't have on obesity programs, new initiatives, and school programs?

The First Lady admits, in the video below, her mistakes with her families eating habits. The pediatrician pointed it out, and she fixed it. SHE did it herself, the government did not help her. The government had no involvement whatsoever. So why is it that the government needs to step up and help everyone else?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is an issue that makes me angry, so I decided to make it my first real post.

Too many politicians say that "They only do jobs Americans won't do (or don't want to do)." That is simply not true. Here is what Huckabee said,

...When people say illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans, Huckabee said he asks them to name someone "who cannot get a job because a Mexican illegally here has taken the job they want."

"If that's the case, if you can get me their name and phone number by five this afternoon, I can have them making a bed, plucking a chicken, tarring a roof or picking a tomato by the morning at 8 o' clock," he said.

No one has been able to give him a name, he said. Illegal immigrants have jobs Americans don't want, he said...

Huckabee is not the only politician who says things like the above, he's just an example of one. I do not have any names I can give him, but I do have addresses. However, it's not enough. Watch the video.



This site will be full of things that are really upsetting about politics in general. Feel free to leave a comment about what makes you mad, and we will try to find your issue and post about it. Thanks for stopping by.