Saturday, February 20, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is an issue that makes me angry, so I decided to make it my first real post.

Too many politicians say that "They only do jobs Americans won't do (or don't want to do)." That is simply not true. Here is what Huckabee said,

...When people say illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans, Huckabee said he asks them to name someone "who cannot get a job because a Mexican illegally here has taken the job they want."

"If that's the case, if you can get me their name and phone number by five this afternoon, I can have them making a bed, plucking a chicken, tarring a roof or picking a tomato by the morning at 8 o' clock," he said.

No one has been able to give him a name, he said. Illegal immigrants have jobs Americans don't want, he said...

Huckabee is not the only politician who says things like the above, he's just an example of one. I do not have any names I can give him, but I do have addresses. However, it's not enough. Watch the video.



This site will be full of things that are really upsetting about politics in general. Feel free to leave a comment about what makes you mad, and we will try to find your issue and post about it. Thanks for stopping by.